Budget Reporting

Covid-19 Information


PDF DocumentWaverly Benchmark Reporting Spring 2022-23

23g - MI Kids Back-on-track

PDF DocumentMICIP Plan
To request additional assistance through the MI Kids Back-on-Track program please contact Chris Huff at 517-319-3030 or chuff@waverlyk12.net 

Budget Reporting

Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting
Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, as amended, requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community how we utilize the resources provided to us.

Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Revisions

PDF Document2022-2023 Budget - Original
PDF Document
2022-2023 Budget - Revised
PDF Document2022-2023 Budget - Final
PDF Document2023-2024 Budget - Original
PDF Document2023-2024 Budget - Revised
PDF Document2024-2025 Budget - Original

Summary of Expenditures – Expressed in Pie Charts

PDF Document2022-23 Operating Expenditures
PDF Document2022-23 Personnel Expenditures

Current Bargaining Agreements

PDF DocumentIngham/Clinton Education Association/Waverly Education Association, MEA/NEA (WEA)
PDF DocumentTeamsters, Local 243 (Custodial, Maintenance and Grounds)
PDF DocumentTeamsters, Local 214 (Bus Drivers)
PDF DocumentWaverly Administrators Education Association (WAEA)
PDF DocumentWaverly Educational Support Professionals Association (WESPA)
PDF DocumentWESPA Contract Extension (2020 - 2023)

Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans

PDF DocumentMESSA ABC Plan 1
PDF DocumentMESSA ABC Plan 2
PDF DocumentMESSA Choices_500
PDF DocumentMESSA Choices 3000
PDF DocumentMcLaren C1
PDF DocumentMcLaren Plan 1

PDF DocumentDelta Dental (Admin)
PDF DocumentDelta Dental (Non-Affiliated)
PDF DocumentDelta Dental (Principals)

PDF DocumentADN Self Funded (Admin, Bus Drivers, Non-Affiliated, Preschool, Principals)

Life Insurance
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Admin, Principals)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Bus Drivers)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Non Affiliated)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Preschool)
PDF DocumentMESSA PAK(WESPA) <20hrs
PDF DocumentMESSA PAK(WESPA) >20 hrs  

Long Term Disability
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Admin)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Supervisors)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Non Affiliated)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Principals)
PDF DocumentMadison National Life (Preschool)

Audited Financial Statements

PDF Document2018-2019 Audited Financial Statements
PDF Document2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements
PDF Document2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements
PDF Document2021-2022 Audited Financial Statements
PDF Document2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements

Medical Benefit Plan Bids

PDF DocumentMedical Benefit Plan Bids

Employee Compensation Information

PDF DocumentSalary and Benefits of Superintendent and Employees with Salary Exceeding $100K

District Paid Association Dues

PDF Document2021-2022 District Paid Association Dues

District Paid Lobbying Costs

There were no district paid lobbying costs for 2022-2023.

Approved Deficit Elimination Plan

The district has not incurred a deficit

District Credit Card Information

PDF DocumentDistrict Credit Card Information

District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information

The district has no travel to report in 2022-2023.

Procurement Policy

PDF DocumentProcurement Policy

Employee Reimbursement Policy

PDF DocumentReimbursement Policy

Accounts Payable Check Register

PDF Document2022-23 Accounts Payable Check Register

Michigan Educator Evaluation Postings & Assurances

PDF DocumentSuperintendent Evaluation Model
PDF DocumentSchool Leader Evaluation Model
PDF DocumentDistrict Leader Evaluation Model


Please follow this link to visit the MI School Data website: www.mischooldata.org