Waverly Technology Bond
The Waverly Technology Bond was passed by the voters in the Waverly Community School district on May 7, 2013. The Technology Bond is an 18.4 million dollar bond over 10 years.
You can read information about the Technology Bond below. As plans are designed and implemented, please visit this page to keep up to date on the latest information.
This is a 10-year technology program. Use of the bond proceeds have been prioritized through three series of bonds. The majority of the infrastructure (wireless, network upgrades, security etc.) will be completed during the first series along with the first wave of new student devices and replacement computers. The second series primarily includes audiovisual equipment, such as document cameras, PA system enhancements, and classroom sound systems, while the third series includes equipment replacement to ensure the ongoing success of this initiative. Series I – $10,535,000; Series II – $2,485,000; Series III – $5,450,000.
The plan was developed by the Waverly Community School District administration, building staff, the district technology committee and a technology consultant company. The groups established a planning process to understand the existing uses of technology and identify district goals that align with the technology plan. This groups bench-marked the use of technology and media center spaces against other school districts in the area as well as other parts of the state. A team of technology designers and architects were asked to conduct a technical assessment of the facilities and infrastructure to evaluate the existing conditions in light of these goals.
Technology in Education addresses these areas:
Creativity and innovation
Communication and collaboration
Research and information fluency
Critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making
Digital citizenship
Technology operations and concepts.
The district is highly aware that technology is ever changing. This bond allows for flexibility to make adjustments in equipment purchases in phases two and three to reflect the latest technology available for children in the classroom.
This bond is referred to as a “Technology Bond” because the focus of the bond is to improve technology throughout the district, but bond dollars can be used for needed capital improvements. In this case, the renovations are needed to support the technology goals by adding electrical outlets for the new devices, renovating some media center spaces to create 21st century learning environments for our students, and other related facility improvements. The security systems will be installed to help protect students while in our schools and during transportation on district buses. In order to ensure student safety, the bus fleet must also be upgraded to keep students safe and secure.
If you have questions, please contact Director of Technology, Jon Harpst at RHarpst@WaverlyK12.net.